For research, publication, conservation and purchases.
The Society’s research fund offers grants for Norfolk-related research and other activities in the area of the archaeology and history of the county.
For research, publication, conservation and purchases
- The Society’s research fund offers grants for Norfolk-related research and other activities in the area of the archaeology and history of the county.
- We encourage bids from individuals or organisations that do not have ready access to other sources of funding for small or modestly sized projects.
- We favour bids which contribute to larger fund-raising efforts where we can maximise the impact of the grants that we make.
In recent years we have supported the following projects and initiatives, among others:
- Contribution towards the cost of an environmentally controlled display case in order to put on show to the public the recently conserved 17th-century statue of Samson which once stood on Tombland in Norwich
- Help with costs towards publications including a report on an important Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Sporle, Norfolk (K. Penn and S. Ashley), volume VI of The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey (Norfolk Record Society), and the Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture.
- Illustration of significant archaeological finds made by fieldwalkers and metal-detectorists (Norfolk County Council)
- Contribution towards collaborative funding of PhD research (Norfolk Museums Service and University of Nottingham)
- Support for purchase of camera equipment (Sedgeford Archaeological and Historical Research Project)
- Labelling and display of artefacts displayed at St Peter Hungate church, Norwich (Hungate Medieval Art)
- Scientific dating of archaeological finds using radiocarbon and Accelerator Mass Spectronomy technology (University of Nottingham)
- Geo-survey of the Bishop’s Garden, Norwich
- Contribution towards the purchase of documents from Morningthorpe Hall (Norfolk Record Office and Norwich Castle Museum)
- Contribution towards the refurbishment of the Stracey Arms windmill (Norfolk Windmills Trust)
In addition to these and other grants, the Society is very pleased to have made a significant contribution towards the cost of the St Benet’s Abbey Conservation and Access project, matching funding provided by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Norfolk County Council, the Norfolk Archaeological Trust and other bodies.
How to apply
Applicants do not have to be members of the Society. Grants can be made for all aspects of research, including travel expenses directly connected to an identifiable research outcome. They are also available for conservation work, printing and publication, and the purchase of heritage items. Normally, grants made in these latter categories take the form of a contribution towards a larger fund-raising effort.
Grants are not made for the payment of academic fees and memberships.
Individuals and organisations are invited to apply for grants at any time of year. Normally, all applications made in the preceding quarter are considered together at the joint meetings of the Council and Trustees of the Society. These meetings are held in January, April, July and October. In order to be considered at these meetings applications should be submitted by no later than the 25th day of the preceding month and preferably earlier than this.
The Society also has an emergency procedure for the consideration of applications when exceptional situations arise. This is to cover contingencies such as the appearance at short notice of Norfolk heritage items on the open market and similar circumstances where timely action is required. What are deemed to be normal applications where planned expenditure can be anticipated in advance will not be considered under this procedure.
Applications should be submitted to the Hon. Secretary, email:, to whom any specific queries regarding grants should also be addressed.
Successful applicants will be required to submit a summary report, which should not exceed 250 words, at the end of the year in which the grant is made. The research itself may be published by the Society in its journal Norfolk Archaeology if this is considered appropriate by the Hon. Editor.
Recent Grants
Contribution to the publication of a report on Late Bronze Age Hoards in the East Anglian Archaeology monograph series.
Useful Info
You can apply at any time of the year.
Grant awards are discussed and approved at full Council meetings, which are held in January, April, July and October each year.